“Born at night, at home between the dance floor and the bar – RUNES Vodka is the drink for those who set urban trends and love high-quality spirits.”
Created from a commitment to quality, to create high-quality vodka with its own message, the RUNES brand stands for premium spirits that bring people together all over the world. Connected by proximity to the scene and united by a common vision, the team joined forces in 2019 and brought RUNES Vodka to life. The founders Sebastian, Stefano, Kai, Marcel and Fabian were able to draw on a wide range of knowledge from their previous fields of activity in the areas of gastronomy, product development and project management, and they were able to incorporate not only their personal preferences but also plenty of experience from nightlife into the product development. The result: a unique premium vodka, an authentic brand and a team that combines passion with innovation!
Created from a commitment to quality, to create high-quality vodka with its own message, the RUNES brand stands for premium spirits that bring people together all over the world. Connected by proximity to the scene and united by a common vision, the team joined forces in 2019 and brought RUNES Vodka to life. The founders Sebastian, Stefano, Kai, Marcel and Fabian were able to draw on a wide range of knowledge from their previous fields of activity in the areas of gastronomy, product development and project management, and they were able to incorporate not only their personal preferences but also plenty of experience from nightlife into the product development. The result: a unique premium vodka, an authentic brand and a team that combines passion with innovation!